
One Room Challenge: Project Little Blue Room Week 5

Week 5?!!!

Officially in Panic mode! 

For those who are just joining my journey, I've entered a little project called The One Room Challenge you can view last weeks post here!  We have 6 weeks to design, decorate and transform one room.  I had a delightful idea to finally redo my guest room and now at week 5 I am sort of veering away from my original plan.

It all started with this lovely plan. 

I decided I would make cute little art pieces and frame them in black frames.

Until I took a little 4 day trip to Miami.  

Now I have a few lovely photos that I am dying to frame...

and this post from The Decorista solidified that I must do black and white photos!!

Sigh...This must all be completed by this weekend and I am SO ready for the challenge!  Check back next week for the final reveal

Have a fab day!


  1. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. Your photos are lovely! They are going to look great on the wall. Good luck in the final week :)

  3. Those are fabulous photos! We can do this.

  4. First of all, I love Miami and am so jealous! The black and white photos look awesome!

    1. Thanks Sheila! Was my first time in Miami, absolutely loved it!

  5. I went to Miami this past week too- we probably passed each other:) Why on earth didn't I take more fabulous photos to use like you did though? LOVE!

    1. I know! You can't go wrong with palm trees! Wish I took more photos of the Art Deco loveliness going on!

  6. Love your progress! I can relate, went away to FL for 8 days with the fam and thought I had planned ahead. Now racing to the finish line! Looking forward to your big reveal!

    1. Thanks Sarah, my tiny DIY can never compare to the loveliness of everyone's else's project but it's a fun way to show off your creativity!
